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Should I Ghost My Girlfriend or Break Up via Text?

Today we have options that didn’t exist for our parents. But is it right to use them in intimate relationships? Asking for a friend.

Andrew Jazprose Hill


Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

Not every relationship has a fairy-tale ending. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the person occupying the pillow next to yours begins to look like your worst nightmare. Instead of the prince or princess you met at the dance club or at the far end of the bar, you wind up with a longterm headache and a bad case of cotton mouth.

Sometimes you go on pretending that’s it’s still the hangover talking after all these years. After all, the sex is good, isn’t it? And isn’t it nice to have a regular supply on hand without having to go hunting for a new hookup on Tinder or elsewhere in the jungle of illusions?

But even if she doesn’t make annoying crunching noises during brunch —as in the Phantom Thread — and even if you love the way she wrinkles her nose and how cute she looks in her Little Black Dress, there comes a time when you must admit the truth. She gets on your nerves.

What astounds is that she’s still into you after three years.

But is that true?



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