You'e writing about things here that strike very close to the bone. It took years and lots of internal work for me to learn to see my parents in light of their own karmic struggles. The work you've acknowledged doing in this piece is really important. And the piece itself is as lovely as it is honest.
When I lived in San Francisco, I sometimes went to the Buddhist monastery at Green Gulch Farm in Marin County. Like you, I heard messages that resonated with me and made a difference in my life. I was raised Catholic, so just going there was a big leap for me. Now, I try to listen for "truth" regardless of the discipline it comes from.
Some time ago, I came across a book of daily meditations by Louise Hay. I opened it at random to a page that said something like this: "I received the perfect parents for this incarnation."
I had to reflect on that a long time before I saw the value in it. My parents, who were so wonderfully human and flawed, set me up for my successes and also my struggles. They really did have "high-karmic" energy for me. And as I'm sure you know, 'karma' is just another word for 'action.'
Anyay, I admire the journey you're on and truly appreciate everything you've written here. This response went on longer than intended. Blame it on the depth of your inspiring and deeply moving story. Because it certainly was that.